
This article highlights all new features & updates plus important bug fixes for version 25 of Mercury (Core). Our aim is to continually make the software easier to use, better for your business development, and to help improve your outreach. Use the pink Topic selector below to jump straight to a particular area that has been enhanced for this release. Also, look out for green Knowledge Article links within these release notes, providing extra supporting information.

NEW! Applicant Form - NEW! Shortlist Form - Activities - Addresses - Advanced Find - Candidate Portal - Clients - Contacts - Email Editor - Financials - Invoices - Mercury Search - Placements - Quick Create - Timesheets - Vacancies 


📢 Our Top 5 New Updates in this release! 

1️⃣ New Forms for improved User Experience

We understand that getting as much information about your Candidates, quickly, is very important. So, to make this even easier in Mercury, we've created some new Forms which will surface more information about Candidates in both the Vacancy Shortlist and Applicant processes. These improvements will allow you to see CV/Resume, Work History, Skills, Tags and the Activity Timeline. You'll also be able to make updates to the Shortlist or Applicant record as well as the Candidate record. Plus, you will also get much quicker navigation by opening the list View quickly to surf through the records quickly.


2️⃣ Email Editor - Custom Hyperlinks

Recently we made some changes around formatting, to stop HTML formatting from copying across in the background into Mercury emails. Feedback was good, however, users wanted to bring in custom email links, which we were stripping out. This feature will allow you to include your own custom links, so your Clients and Candidates don't see long URLs, or you can apply custom names just to make things clearer.


3️⃣ End Client - for MSP/RPO Placements

Placing Candidates via a Managed Service Provider or Recruitment Process Outsourcer can be a bit of a headache with administration. So, to allow for multi-company placement data to be captured on Placements, we’ve changed the way we handle Client lookups and their addresses. Now, you can limit the End Client fields to only related or connected Clients of your main Client (MSP/RPO), then you can select from their addresses for things like Client Site, or possibly Invoice Address. This should mean much more accurate data and more flexible Placement management.

4️⃣ Custom Fields

Who doesn't love a custom field! We are regularly asked for custom fields, so we've introduced more of them for you! Now you can choose to enable a further 20 custom fields for Client, Contact, Vacancy and Placement records. You will be able to rename these fields, and choose from these available formats - Date, Yes/No, Numeric, Date or Free Text. 
These fields surface on a 'User Fields' tab, which, although it sounds quite a sensible name to us, is also configurable.


5️⃣ Financials

We have developed Pay and Bill capability, whereby our clients will be able to generate Orders and Invoices following Permanent placements (Fees) and completed Mercury Timesheets and Expenses. To further support this functionality and the various requirements of Finance teams, we’ve introduced several updates here:

Purchase Orders on Fees, Financial Transactions and Expenses
Bank Accounts now linked to Accounting Legal Entities
Additional fields and directions for Invoice Instructions


📚 Here are the full Release Notes for Mercury version 25


🆕 Applicant Form

NEW UPDATE 24362 – New Applicant Form

Click for Knowledge Article


A brand new Applicant form, which allows Consultants to view key information from the Candidate record, such as CV, Tags any previous Shortlistings and Applications. This provides the information required for Consultants to make key decisions without having to leave the Applicant record.


Applicant records. This can either be on a Vacancy via the Applicants tab, or from the dedicated Applicants area on the sitemap. The legacy form will still be available for selection underneath the Applicant name, however, we will be looking to deprecate this form within the next release.



When opening an Applicant record, Consultants will be shown the new form as default:

🆕 Shortlist Form

NEW UPDATE 24351 – New Shortlist Form

Click for Knowledge Article


A brand new Shortlist form, which allows Consultants to view key information from the Candidate record such as CV, Tags any previous Shortlistings & Applications. This provides the information required for Consultants to make key decisions without having to leave the Shortlist record.


Shortlist records. This can either be on a Vacancy via the Candidates tab, or from dedicated Shortlist focus on the sitemap. The legacy form will still be available for selection underneath the Shortlist name, however, we will be looking to deprecate this form within the next release.



When opening a Shortlist record, Consultants will be shown the new form as default:




ACTIVITIES Insufficient characters on Phone Call follow-up description BUG FIX 1516


The character length for the Description field for a Phone Call Follow-up Activity has been increased.


All Phone Call activity forms when creating a new Phone Call log.


The character length of Follow-up Description has now been increased to 10,000 characters.

ACTIVITIES Phone Call not showing the From field BUG FIX 13412


Consultants were unable to see the From field on a Phone Call, meaning they were unable to see who the inbound calls were from.


General section of a Phone Call activity record.  


The Call From field is now displayed on the Phone Call activity:



ADDRESSES State list not changing when changing Country BUG FIX 1970


When switching from one Country with a State to a different Country that also has States, the State list was not changing accordingly, so for example, you could change from Australia to the USA and the list of states would remain as the Australian states.


Home > Sitemap > Clients > Client record > More Addresses tab > Create or Edit an Address.


The fix is now such that when changing from one country to another, it triggers a change to the State list even if both Countries have States:



ADVANCED FIND (ORIGINAL) Duplicate display names BUG FIX 692


Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to export certain columns to Excel due to duplicate column headers.  


The older/legacy Advanced Find, when selecting all columns and then exporting to Excel.


We have now ensured unique display names for all columns within Mercury.



CANDIDATE PORTAL Portal Roles Permissions NEW UPDATE 23400


A new specific role has been introduced to allow users to assign Portal roles via the Portal Admin page.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record > Portal Admin page


An already existing role in Mercury Core has been amended to allow users with that security role to access and add Portal roles for both Candidate and Client Portals without affecting any other permissions in Mercury.



CLIENTS New additional User fields NEW UPDATE 24740


A new set of user fields for Client records which can store bespoke information relevant to your business. User fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Clients > Client record > User Fields tab


A collection of various types of new user fields have been introduced for a Client record - 5 x numeric fields (2 decimal places), 5 x Yes/No fields with a default of No, 5 x Date fields and 5 x Date & Time fields.

NOTE: You may need to delete your web browser cache if you do not see the new fields instantly > see KA-01154.

The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types > 5 new Numeric user fields, 5 new Boolean user fields, 5 new Date user fields and 5 new Date & Time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look in the Configuration module for "USER_FIELDS.ACCOUNT" and follow the instructions in its description.

CLIENTS Increased character limit on User Fields NEW UPDATE 24735
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The character limits on the User Fields on a Client record have been increased. 


Home > Sitemap > Clients > Client record > User Fields tab


The character limit of User Fields 1 to 5 has been increased from 2,000 to 10,000 characters so that further information can be stored within these fields:

The existing 5 multi-line text User Fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.


CLIENTS Configurable User Fields tab NEW UPDATE 24747


User fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Clients > Client record > User Fields tab


The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types > 5 new Numeric user fields, 5 new Boolean user fields, 5 new Date user fields and 5 new Date & Time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look in the Configuration module for "USER_FIELDS.ACCOUNT" and follow the instructions in its description.



CONTACTS Emergency Contact NEW UPDATE 23758


The ability to record an Emergency Contact and their Telephone Number for a Contact record within Mercury.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record > Further Information tab


The Spouse/Partner Name field on a Contact record has been relabelled to Emergency Contact and a new Phone Number field has been created to store their phone number. These fields can be hidden through normal configuration if not needed.






CONTACTS Configurable User Fields tab NEW UPDATE 23646


User fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (text, boolean, numeric, date, datetime) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record > User Fields tab


A collection of various types of new user fields have been introduced for a Contact record - 5 x numeric fields (2 decimal places), 5 x Yes/No fields with a default of No, 5 x Date fields and 5 x Date & Time fields. The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 10 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2000 characters to 10000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types > 5 new numeric user fields, 5 new boolean user fields, 5 new date user fields, 5 new date & time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 30 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business.

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CONTACT" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.

CONTACTS New additional User fields NEW UPDATE 23642


A new set of user fields for Contact records which can store bespoke information relevant to your business. User fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (text, boolean, numeric, date, datetime) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record > User Fields tab


A collection of various types of new user fields have been introduced for a Contact record - 5 x numeric fields (2 decimal places), 5 x Yes/No fields with a default of No, 5 x Date fields and 5 x Date & Time fields. The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 10 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2000 characters to 10000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types > 5 new numeric user fields, 5 new boolean user fields, 5 new date user fields, 5 new date & time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 30 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business.

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CONTACT" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.

CONTACTS Last Application date NEW UPDATE 23379


A new field within Contacts has been introduced, which will store the date that a Candidate last applied for a role.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Candidate record


When a Candidate applies for a role, either via a job board or when manually created within Mercury, a date stamp will be recorded and will populate the Last Application Date field on that Contact record. This new field can be accessible via a view:

CONTACTS Increased character limit on User Fields NEW UPDATE 23638
Click for Knowledge Article


The characters limit on the User Fields on a Contact record have been increased. A new set of user fields for Contact records which can store bespoke information relevant to your business. User fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (text, boolean, numeric, date, datetime) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record > User Fields tab


The character limit of User Fields 1 to 10 has been increased from 2,000 to 10,000 characters so that further information can be stored within these fields:


A collection of various types of new user fields have been introduced for a Contact record - 5 x numeric fields (2 decimal places), 5 x Yes/No fields with a default of No, 5 x Date fields and 5 x Date & Time fields. The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 10 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2000 characters to 10000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types > 5 new numeric user fields, 5 new boolean user fields, 5 new date user fields, 5 new date & time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 30 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business.

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CONTACT" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.

CONTACTS Preferred Language/ISO Code for a Contact NEW UPDATE 22628/26394


The ability to record a Contact’s preferred language. Preferred Language on a Contact now contains 2-letter and 3-letter ISO Codes.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record > General tab > DETAILS section > Preferred Language field > Languages drop-down


A new field has been created to store a Contact's preferred language. 2-letter and 3-letter ISO Codes will be visible when selecting a Preferred Language for a Contact:

We have also added Languages to the Mercury Admin sitemap under the Config area:

This is where Admin users would go to update the list of Languages available within Mercury. This field can be hidden through normal configuration.

CONTACTS Middle Name of a Contact NEW UPDATE 7177


The Middle Name field is now displayed on a Contact record.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record > General tab > Details section > In between the First Name and the Last Name fields


The Middle Name field on a Contact record is now visible and displayed on the form. This field has existed for some time, however, it was not visible on the form. This can be hidden via standard configuration:



Middle Name is also visible when quickly creating a Contact via the + button on the ribbon menu, or directly from a Client:


CONTACTS Contact work address not clearing BUG FIX 16655


Fixed a bug where when a Client was cleared for a Contact, the work address remained as the old Client's address until a new Client was added. It should have been cleared.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact record


Work address fields are now clearing when Client is removed.



EMAIL EDITOR Inserting hyperlinks NEW UPDATE 26637
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Allowing hyperlinks to be added into emails sent via the Email Editor.


Email Editor > Insert > Insert/edit link


A new Insert/edit link option has been added under the Insert button of the email editor:



FINANCIALS Legal Entity Bank Account NEW UPDATE 23275
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A relationship has been added between Bank Account and Accounting Legal Entities to show a lookup of Accounting Legal Entities on the Bank Account record and a sub-grid on the Accounting Legal entities record.


Anywhere in the software that displays and allows use of Bank Account and Accounting Legal Entities.


Accounting Legal Entities have been added to the existing lookup, and a relationship has been added between Bank Account and Accounting Legal Entities. An Accounting Legal Entities lookup has been added on the Bank Account. A sub-grid has also been added on the Accounting Legal Entities form of Bank Accounts.


FINANCIALS Duplicate column headers on a Fee BUG FIX 1558


The display name for the Name field has been changed.


On any Fee entity.


This is manifested when a user exports Fee records using Advanced Find with all columns added.  


FINANCIALS Purchase Order on an Expense NEW UPDATE 23494
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There is a new lookup field on an Expense for Purchase Orders. This will allow the ability to have burndown Expenses against a Purchase Order.


The General tab on an Expense record.


Users will now be able to select a Purchase Order that is associated to the Client on the Expense:


FINANCIALS Purchase Order on a Fee NEW UPDATE 23539
Click for Knowledge Article


There is a new lookup field on a Fee for Purchase Orders. This will allow the ability to have burndown Fees against a Purchase Order.


The General tab on a Fee record.


Users will now be able to select a Purchase Order that is associated to the Client on the Fee:

FINANCIALS Financial transaction fails to create if Consultant on the Fee is blank BUG FIX 28182


Fixed a bug where Fee approvals did not generate a Financial Transaction if the Consultant field was blank.


Home > Sitemap > Fees > Click a Fee record > General tab > Consultant field


Upon approval of a Fee, a Financial Transaction is created, and then the Purchase Order, Project and Amount values are copied across even if the Consultant field is blank.


FINANCIALS Fees not generating on Financial Transactions BUG FIX 25401


Fixed a bug where approving a Fee did not bring financial data over to the Financial Transaction.


Home > Sitemap > Fees > Click a Fee record


Upon approval of a Fee, a Financial Transaction is created, and the the Purchase Order, Project and Amount values are copied across.




INVOICES Addition of Exclusion instructions NEW UPDATE 24984


Three new fields have been created for the Invoice Instructions entity. A new section has been added on Invoice Instruction called DETAILS. Purchase Order Required, Include Timesheet, Consolidate and the new fields have been moved to the new DETAILS section.


Home > Sitemap > Clients > Administration tab


The three new fields in the Invoice Instructions section are called Exclude Candidate Name, Exclude Pay Details and Exclude Date, which all appear in a new DETAILS section within the Invoice Instructions entity.



MERCURY SEARCH US date formats not interpreted correctly within the filters BUG FIX 22667


When using date filters in Mercury Search, dates with a US format would revert to a UK format


Mercury Search


Dates will now be formatted within Mercury Search as per the user's Microsoft Dynamics 365 local settings.



PLACEMENTS New additional User fields NEW UPDATE 23643


A new set of user fields for Placement records which can store bespoke information relevant to your business. User Fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > User Fields tab


A collection of various types of new user fields have been introduced for a Placement record - 5 x numeric fields (2 decimal places), 5 x Yes/No fields with a default of No, 5 x Date fields and 5 x Date & Time fields. The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types: 5 new Numeric user fields, 5 new Boolean user fields, 5 new Date user fields and 5 new Date & Time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CRIMSON_PLACEMENT" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.

PLACEMENTS New End Client & End Contact fields NEW UPDATE 24034
Click for Knowledge Article


New fields End Client & End Contact on a Placement record.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > Placement Details tab > END CLIENT section


User can select End Client and/or End Contact on any Placement record by using lookup control.

PLACEMENTS Client address from End Client / Connected Client NEW UPDATE 24988


The ability to filter the Client address based on End Client / Connected Client.


Any new or existing Placement record.


User can select the filtered address based on the Client selected.

PLACEMENTS Inactive Agreement on Extensions NEW UPDATE 23624


Inactive Agreements will no longer be added to new Placements or Extensions. When extending a Placement and the Agreement is inactive, the Agreement on the new Placement is now blank. Also, when creating a Placement from a Vacancy which has an inactive Agreement, the Agreement on the new Placement is now also blank.


When extending a Placement or Shortlist for accepted offers. Extending a Placement from the Placement ribbon or progressing a Shortlist to Offer Accept under the Progress Candidate ribbon button on a Shortlist.


New logic has been added to check for Agreement status. If trying to extend a Placement which has an inactive Agreement, the Agreement will not be copied to the newly created Placement. This also applies when Progressing a Candidate to Offer Accept. If the Vacancy has an inactive Agreement, this will not be populated on the Placement being created.

PLACEMENTS Increased character limit on User Fields NEW UPDATE 23640
Click for Knowledge Article


The characters limit on the User Fields of a Placement record has been increased. User Fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > User Fields tab


The character limit of User Fields 1 to 5 has been increased from 2,000 to 10,000 characters so that further information can be stored within these fields:


The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types: 5 new Numeric user fields, 5 new Boolean user fields, 5 new Date user fields and 5 new Date & Time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CRIMSON_PLACEMENT" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.

PLACEMENTS Prevent validation with unapproved related entities NEW UPDATE 23418


There is now the option to prevent Placement validation when a Placement has unapproved related entities - eg. Project, Vacancy or Client.


Any Placement record.


The functionality needs to be enabled within Configuration (INITIAL_PLACEMENT_APPROVAL_STEP). Once enabled, then when a user attempts to validate a Placement by clicking the Validate button, if any of the associated Clients, Vacancies or Projects have an Approval Status of New, Pending Approval or Rejected (ie they are not Approved), then the user is informed of this and the Placement is not validated


PLACEMENTS Configurable User Fields tabs NEW UPDATE 23647


User Fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the user fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > User Fields tab


The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multiline text user fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New user fields have been added with different data types: 5 new Numeric user fields, 5 new Boolean user fields, 5 new Date user fields and 5 new Date & Time user fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the user fields available.

  • The multiline text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CRIMSON_PLACEMENT" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.

PLACEMENTS Special Instructions on a Placement NEW UPDATE 22787


Ability to record Special Instructions on a Placement, regardless of type.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > Placement Details tab


Regardless of the type of Placement (Permanent, Contract or Temporary), you can now record Special Instructions for the Candidate, Client or Deliverables for the particular Placement. These fields can be hidden via standard configuration if required:

PLACEMENTS Placement name exceeding limit BUG FIX 6207


A bug has been fixed whereby the system was unable to create a Placement when the Job Title was over 100 characters.


When progressing a Vacancy to Accept Offer which leads to a Placement being created.


We have changed the Placement name size so that it matches the size of the Job Title, so that larger size Job Titles can be accommodated.


PLACEMENTS No name for Placement Rate Type BUG FIX 634


When a new Placement Rate is created, the Name field is populated without the need to refresh the Placement Rate sub-grid for the name to show.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > Finance tab


When creating a new Placement Rate on a Placement record, the name of the new rate will be automatically updated.

PLACEMENTS Adding transactions - Character limit on all value fields BUG FIX 713


A character limit has now been added on all value fields. The character limit has been updated when manually adding Transactions on a Placement.


Via the Add Transactions ribbon button on a Placement record.


The maximum character length has been changed. We have changed the character limit of the fields within Add Transactions to ensure no data mismatch.


PLACEMENTS Adding transactions - Mandatory selection of Timesheet or Non-Timesheet BUG FIX 715


Mandatory selection of either Timesheet or Non-Timesheet when adding Transactions via a Placement. A message appears if you do not select Timesheet or Non-Timesheet when you click the Next button. The PO toggle is hidden until the user selects a Timesheet or Non-Timesheet.


Via the Add Transactions ribbon button on a Placement record.


Mandatory selection of either Timesheet or Non-Timesheet when manually adding Transactions on a Placement. A message appears if you do not select Timesheet or Non-Timesheet when you click the Next button. The PO toggle is hidden until the user selects a Timesheet or Non-Timesheet.


PLACEMENTS FTs created with an End Date before the Start Date BUG FIX 822


To ensure that a Transaction cannot be created with an End Date that is before the Start Date. User must be unable to select an End Date before a Start Date when adding Transactions


Via the Add Transactions ribbon button on a Placement record.


The user can now no longer proceed if the End Date is before the Start Date on a Transaction.

PLACEMENTS Candidate Company country not populating BUG FIX 1293


The Country field now populates from the related Candidate Company on a Placement record.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record


When the Candidate Company is updated in a Placement record.


PLACEMENTS Adding Transactions - Non-Timesheet Pay & Charge BUG FIX 681


Pay details are now not populated when selecting No to Pay to Candidate. Also, Charge details are not populated when selecting No to Charge to Client.


In the Add Transactions application.


The correct fields are now being populated based on the user's selection of toggles.


PLACEMENTS Placement extensions causing duplicate Placement IDs BUG FIX 4363


Fixed a bug whereby it was possible to extend a Placement multiple times, resulting in multiple Placements with the same Placement ID.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Extension button in ribbon menu


Once a Placement is extended, the Extension ribbon button is no longer visible on that Placement. The user is not able to extend a Placement that has already been extended; they can however still extend the extension.

PLACEMENTS Assigning a Placement Approval BUG FIX 4181


Fixed a bug whereby Recruiters could change the Approver and Activity Status for a Placement Approval via the dropdown control in the top right of the screen.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > Placement Approval screen


Both the Owner and Activity Status are now Read-Only so they cannot be changed.


PLACEMENTS Placement Approval not working as expected BUG FIX 1194


Fixed a bug whereby if a user does not have a manager defined and they initiate the Validate process on a Placement, then if an Approval is created, it goes full circle back to the user who validated the Placement.


Home > Sitemap > Placements > Placement record > Placement Approval screen > Placement Approval process initiated when the Placement is Validated by pressing the Validate button


During Placement Approval, if the Owner of the Placement does not have a Manager, then no Placement Approval is created. Instead, the Last Approved Date is updated to the date and time when the user initiated the Validate process, and the Last Approved By is updated to the user who initiated the Validate process.




QUICK CREATE Tick boxes are now Drop-downs NEW UPDATE 17888


To improve usability, when using Quick Create to create a Phone Call log or an SMS log, the selector is now a drop-down menu instead of the previous tick box method.


Home > + symbol at top right of page > Activities


When selecting the activity type of a Phone Call or SMS Message, a drop-down menu now appears instead of the previous checkbox method.

QUICK CREATE Education records NEW UPDATE 21368
Click for Knowledge Article


Enables users to quickly create an Education record for a Contact within Mercury.


Home > Sitemap > Contacts > Contact records > Related tab > Education


Users will no longer lose context when creating an Education record.



SHORTLISTS Offer Accept failure on Inactive Rate Type (Progressing Candidates) BUG FIX 5963


Consultants were unable to create Placements if an inactive Rate Type was selected when accepting an offer. Consultants will now only be shown Active Rate Types when making an Offer to a Candidate for a role.


During the Accept Offer pop-up (if this is enabled within your local config).


Consultants will only be shown Active Rate Types when accepting an offer for a Shortlist. Below is confirmation of what will be shown to a Consultant:

  1. If the Vacancy doesn't have an agreement, then the Consultant will be shown ACTIVE global rate types.

  2. If the Vacancy has an agreement with no Agreement Rate Types, then the Consultant will be shown ACTIVE global rate types.

  3. If the Vacancy has an agreement with inactive Agreement Rate Types ONLY, then the Consultant will be shown ACTIVE global rate types.

  4. If the Vacancy has an agreement with active Agreement Rate Types, the Consultant will be shown those ACTIVE rates from the agreement. 

  5. If the Vacancy has an agreement with active & inactive Agreement Rate Types, the Consultant will be shown ACTIVE rates from the agreement only.

NOTE: Consultants will only be shown the above pop-up if USE_DEFAULT_RATES_FOR_ACCEPT_OFFER configuration is set to No:



TIMESHEETS Client's own Timesheet Template NEW UPDATE 24979


The ability to record whether a Client sends out their own Timesheets, rather than using Mercury Time & Expense.


Mercury Admin Application > Config > Timesheet Templates


There is a new field on a Timesheet Template, where you can mark if the Client uses their own Timesheets. It’s default is set to No. This is only for data purposes and does not have any impact on the creation of Timesheets within Mercury:



VACANCIES New additional User fields NEW UPDATE 23644


A new set of user fields for Vacancy records which can store bespoke information relevant to your business. User Fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the User Fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Vacancies > Vacancy record > User Fields tab


A collection of various types of new user fields have been introduced for a Vacancy record - 5 x numeric fields (2 decimal places), 5 x Yes/No fields with a default of No, 5 x Date fields and 5 x Date & Time fields. The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multi-line text User Fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New User Fields have been added with different data types: 5 Numeric User Fields, 5 Boolean User Fields, 5 Date User Fields and 5 Date & Time User Fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the User Fields available.

  • The multi-line text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CRIMSON_VACANCY" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.


VACANCIES Increased character limit on User Fields NEW UPDATE 23641
Click for Knowledge Article


The characters limit on the User Fields on a Vacancy record has been increased. User Fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the User Fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Vacancies > Vacancy record > User Fields tab


The character limit of User Fields 1 to 5 has been increased from 2,000 to 10,000 characters so that further information can be stored within these fields:

The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multi-line text User Fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New User Fields have been added with different data types: 5 Numeric User Fields, 5 Boolean User Fields, 5 Date User Fields and 5 Date & Time User Fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the User Fields available.

  • The multi-line text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CRIMSON_VACANCY" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.


VACANCIES Configurable User Fields tab NEW UPDATE 23648


User Fields have been extended to accommodate different data types (Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date, Date & Time) and the display of the User Fields has been enhanced.


Home > Sitemap > Vacancies > Vacancy record > User Fields tab


The changes made are as follows:

  • The existing 5 multi-line text User Fields have been increased in size from 2,000 characters to 10,000 characters.

  • New User Fields have been added with different data types: 5 Numeric User Fields, 5 Boolean User Fields, 5 Date User Fields and 5 Date & Time User Fields.

  • The default view of these fields is on a tab called User Fields. By default, this will display all 25 of the User Fields available.

  • The multi-line text fields are displayed with a custom control that displays how many characters have been used/are available in each field.

  • The tab can be configured to display the user fields that are important to each organisation. You can change the name of the tab and change the display labels for the user fields that are important to your business and hide any that are not. By doing this, the user fields can be displayed in a way that makes sense to your business

To configure the display, look for "USER_FIELDS.CRIMSON_VACANCY" in the Configuration module and follow the instructions in its description.


VACANCIES Restrict End Client on a Vacancy NEW UPDATE 26575


Restriction of End Client on a Vacancy.


Home > Sitemap > Vacancies > Vacancy record > General tab > DETAILS section > End Client and End Contact fields


There is now a restriction of End Client on a Vacancy, where only Consultants will only be able to select Clients from the within the hierarchy or Connected Clients of the main Client. The End Contact field will remain locked until End Client is selected:


VACANCIES Company Registration Number prompt preventing from saving BUG FIX 1319


The prompt for the Company Registration Number when saving a Vacancy, was stopping a successful save to the Client record. The Save function was not working when prompted to add the Company Registration Number when creating a Vacancy.


Home > Sitemap > Vacancies > Create a new Vacancy record


When creating a new Vacancy, users are prompted to input the Client's Company Registration Number (if not populated). This will now save back to the Client record and close the pop-up, allowing users to successfully save the Vacancy. This is configurable functionality and might not be switched on in your environment. The configuration record to switch on is CLIENTS_NEED_NOT_HAVE_REGNO.




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